Brought to you by the American Gastroenterological Association


Graphic depicting a loop ostomy, end ostomy and other ostomy types.

An ostomy is an opening in your stomach that is made by surgery to let solid or liquid waste leave your body.

Síndrome del intestino irritable (IBS)

IBS Integrated Care

El síndrome del intestino irritable (IBS) es uno de los trastornos comunes del intestino grueso. Los síntomas del IBS pueden incluir dolor de estómago, diarrea, distensión estomacal, estreñimiento y calambres.


Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)

El estreñimiento se produce cuando se tienen evacuaciones poco frecuentes o difíciles, se tienen heces duras o se puede sentir que las evacuaciones son incompletas.



La colonoscopia, realizada por un gastroenterólogo, usa un colonoscopio para mirar dentro del colon y comprobar si hay enfermedades como el cáncer o la colitis.



A colonoscopy is a procedure performed by a doctor called a gastroenterologist, who uses a colonoscope to look inside the colon and check for diseases like cancer or colitis.

Gentle GI nutrition

Also called the non-diet approach, this approach focuses on finding alternatives besides restrictive diets to help with GI symptoms.

Low-FODMAP diet


A low-FODMAP diet is low in a group of five sugars found in certain foods, which cause some people to experience bloating, stomach swelling, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, and constipation.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

IBS Integrated Care

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the common disorders of the large intestine. IBS symptoms can include stomach pain, diarrhea, stomach bloating, constipation and cramping.